Fire Safety
Hopefully no one has experienced the scare of a fire in their house. However, if you have, you know the importance of making sure children know fire safety. Not only is it a good thing that the children know about fire safety, but you as parents know about the fire policy on your plan. But let’s focus on the safety aspect right now.
Firefighters across the country conduct an almost endless variety of fire prevention programs in front of elementary school children. Children learn about escaping their homes in the event of a fire and are reassured about how to be safe at home. Even though firefighters spend hours on these presentations, not all the information is brought home.
Teaching in the firehouse or the classroom, we certainly can’t set the family’s meeting place in the event of a fire. And when a child looks at the second way out of a room in their home, the bedroom window on which they practice in our simulators typically isn’t like their actual bedroom windows in form, and they usually don’t unlock the same way. We can’t make sure that their windows will actually open, or that they aren’t nailed or painted shut. Further, if kids sleep above ground level, how do they get from the second- or third-story bedroom window to the ground, if that is their second way out? I could go on, but you get the point. To be most effective, the true fire safety talk must happen at home among all members of the family; therefore, we encourage families to complete this activity together to make sure everyone knows what to do in case of a fire.
Now that safety is covered, parents it’s a good idea to make sure you know what your homeowner’s policy covers in case of a fire and there’s damage to your home. Even though it’s not the ideal situation, insurance agencies like to be contacted as soon as the event occurs to assess damages. Don’t worry though; the staff at Tom Wallace Insurance Agency will be by your side every step of the way to assist in any fashion.
For all your insurance needs contact Tom at [email protected] or Billy at [email protected]