New Wheels for a STEAL
As your car is sitting in the garage covered in soot and cinders from the wonderful winter roads you might find yourself thinking, “I want a new car”. Taking that big step and purchasing a new car is scary; even though you have prepared and saved your money, you could be missing out of the best deals by not taking advantage of deals by not buying during the best months.
When is the Best Time to Buy?
The best time to buy a car is during the winter months. There is a reward for the cold and daring drives this season provides- potential discounts on brands and models you like. However, because winter is at the end of the year certain models might not be available or may be discontinued the next year. Some risk versus reward might have to be weighed; extra savings or not your dream car.
When is the Worst Time to Buy?
Springtime or summer is not the best time to buy a car. In the spring people are buying new cars because of its performance in winter and also tax refund checks have cleared and families have extra money in their pocket. With the extra cash, dealers aren’t too keen to give as big as discounts as they would later in the year.
What Else to Consider:
· Shop in the early part of the week. When the weekend hits salespeople are busy with a lot of shoppers. Shopping on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday gives more personal attention.
· Wait till the end of the month or fiscal quarter. In a job based on sales and commission, a salesperson will be an eager beaver to make a sale at the end of the month or quarter. The anxiety of maintaining their job can help seal a good deal for you.
· Finalize at the end of the day. Salespeople don’t feel pressured to finalize the deal in the middle of the day or in the morning. However, come closing time and deal still isn’t sealed, they could go into panic and give a good deal to make the sale.
· Consider outgoing models. When new models are about to enter the showroom salespeople are eager to sale the outgoing models to make room. So consider an older model (a year or so) because they could be offering a good deal.
· Deals in trends. Different models are better to buy in different times of the year. During the summer months a better deal is offered for midsize cares. In winter a better deal can be found on a subcompact car.
Make sure that you have done your research on what you want. As long as you are happy with your purchase, all Tom Wallace Insurance Agency can do is make you even happier with the insurance to cover your sweet new ride.
For all your insurance needs, contact one of our agents: Tom Wallace, Brian Bates, or Jimmie Hickey.