Oh! The Places You’ll Go!
Oh! The places you’ll go! Facing life is terrifying and pushes everyone to a whole new level of self discovery. Many say that you “discover yourself” during high school; however, discovery happens when you’re out of your comfort zone and pushed to the maxed. High school doesn’t do that, life does.
Harrison County is home to some wonderful schools that try to prepare students who are going to college and into the work force for the “real world”. Yet, students don’t understand exactly what that means because Oh! The places you’ll go!
Most often students who have just graduated aren’t even asking the “real world” questions that they need to be. So we’ll ask them for you and even give you the answers! It’ll be the easiest test ever- right?
1. What will you do when you’re late to work or class and get in a wreck because you were trying to make it on time?
Simply pull out your insurance information from Tom Wallace Insurance Agency, LLC. Since you were smart and purchased affordable auto insurance from Tom’s well trusted Southern Indiana agency, you don’t have to worry. With the many companies Tom carries, you know you have the best rate for you.
2. How are you going to protect your very first home or apartment from damages?
With reliable home insurance provided by Tom, there isn’t a need for further protection your policy. Home insurance is one of Tom’s top selling lines of business, so there’s no need to worry because he has everything under control. Additionally, one of the agents at Tom Wallace Insurance Agency, Brian Bates, is a real estate agent and is in his element with any home insurance question you’ve got.
3. How can I protect my life and those I love if something unfortunate happens to me?
Even though we don’t like to think about it we have to prepare for the worst. But that’s okay because Tom Wallace Insurance Agency can take care of that for you by giving you an affordable life insurance policy that will suit all your needs. Health is not something you mess around with. We understand that and have the staff on hand to answer any question that you may have about life insurance and how exactly that works.
Not everyone thinks about these questions right after graduation. When would you think about them; right after something bad happens and you regret that you didn’t have the necessary insurance? Life is crazy and time goes by so fast. Be prepared to face the adventures of tomorrow with Tom Wallace Insurance Agency protecting you. Oh! The places you’ll go!
For all your insurance needs, contact one of our agents Tom Wallace, Brian Bates, or Jimmie Hickey.