Remember the Fallen
“O’er the land of the free, and home of the brave?”- a line in the song that every America should know, which rocks Americans to the core. A land that’s free only by the brave.
The brave have their home here in Harrison County, some with their families, some in the hospital, and some at their final resting place. The brave make the sacrifice for us. The brave stand on the wall when we don’t. The brave run to the action when we don’t. The brave give their all when we don’t. The brave protect us even when they may fall. When they fall, it becomes our job to remember them with the honor and dignity they deserve.
When the heroes fall, we must rise and take their place-providing protection to those who need it. That may not be on the front line, but any place where we can serve and protect to our best is what should be. That’s exactly Tom Wallace Insurance is doing- serving and protecting day and night. Compared to the heroes that fight for America, it doesn’t seem like we can compare to what they do; however, when our heroes are off fighting, Tom Wallace Insurance is looking out for the families here, in Harrison County. It’s the least we can do as a simple thanks to all that help protect.
Today let’s make sure that each family is covered with insurance didn’t to protect their heroes and each other. Getting insurance today and becoming protected could help our heroes stay focused while doing their jobs