6 Precautions to take this Holiday
The Fourth of July is just around the corner, and it’s a holiday that screams summer. Families in Harrison County celebrate this wonderful holiday by watching fireworks, grilling in the backyard, boating on the lake, and standing for parades. Everyone at Tom Wallace Insurance Agency knows that it can be easy to get caught up in the celebrations and forget how to stay safe. Between long hours outside and dealing with seemingly- harmless firecrackers, there are six precautions you can take to ensure you put your health first and have a fun, injury-free holiday weekend.
1. Wear Sunscreen
This may seem like an easy one, but many people forget about sunscreen during exciting celebrations. It’s important to wear sunscreen, no matter the weather, and reapply often to maintain good health and protect yourself from harmful UV rays.
2. Handle fireworks with care
In the month leading up to the Fourth of July, on average 240 people go to the hospital every day for fireworks-related injuries. If you are planning to use fireworks this year, always keep a bucket of water nearby and never allow children to light the fireworks themselves.
3. Fire up in a safe space
Grills cause an average of 8,800 home fires each year. With July being the peak month for these dangerous occurrences, make sure to use your barbecue in an open and clear space. Be sure to read the directions also before operating new equipment.
4. Watch the water
We all love swimming on hot summer days, and the Fourth of July is no exception. However, accidents can happen, so it’s important to swim only when a lifeguard is on duty. If you’re dealing with brand-new swimmers, floating assistance or life jackets may be a good idea as well.
5. Stay hydrated
Take water breaks; mix up some healthy summer drinks6. Get covered
Sometimes, accidents will happen. To better prepare for the unexpected, get yourself and your family insurance. That way if a scare does happen on the Fourth of July, you’ll be prepared.
For all your insurance needs, contact Tom at [email protected], Brian at [email protected], or Jimmie at [email protected].