Brian Bates is an agent at Tom Wallace Insurance Agency, LLC. He is a graduate of Corydon Central High School and likes to claim his roots were planted and nurtured at his home and in the school yard at New Middletown.
His career began in transportation over 30 years ago on a towboat travelling down the Mississippi River. This led to lengthy stays in St Louis, Chicago and Minneapolis with his last assignment in Jeffersonville as Director of Logistics and Information Technology at American Commercial Barge Line.
Brian now is fulfilling the lifelong dream of becoming a productive member of this community. He is a member of the Corydon Lions Club and enjoys going to the drive in, antiquing, rehabbing houses and selling real estate with his wife, Lori Short.
At the beginning of 2015 Brian opened a new office in Downtown Corydon to expand Tom Wallace Insurance. Make sure to check out the Downtown Office to see what Brian is doing and also receive your insurance needs as well. Brian can provide any need you inquire just as Tom would. Ask him today about the good rates on auto, home, and life insurance he can get for you.